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Exclusive Brands
Isotonix OPC-3®
The World's Most Powerful Antioxidant! Isotonix OPC-3® combines the power of bilberry, grape seed, and Pycnogenol® to fight free radicals, boost circulation, and support overall vitality.
$34.95 - $74.95
Up to $ 1.50 Cashback
Heart Health™ Essential Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin E
Created with the highest quality oils that may promote cognitive function and provide cardiovascular support. Add this supplement to your daily routine – your heart will thank you later!
Up to $ 1.40 Cashback
Isotonix® Multivitamin With Iron
A good quality vitamin and mineral supplement creates a sound micronutrient foundation to accompany a balanced diet. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Nutrition is the foundation for health and development. Better nutrition means...
Up to $ 1.26 Cashback
Heart Health™ Advanced Co-Q10 (Cardiovascular & Immune Support)
Provides antioxidant protection for the cardiovascular system and promotes cellular energy production. With the help of Coenzyme Q10 and Vitamin E, you'll have the cardiovascular and immune support you need!
Up to $ 1.12 Cashback
MochaTonix® Single Canister
MochaTonix is a nutritionally balanced drink, available in cappuccino, mocha and vanilla flavors. Not only does it provide key nutrients for optimal health, it also provides a pleasant boost of energy and increases metabolism, thus stimulating weight...
Up to $ 0.90 Cashback
Isotonix® Multivitamin Without Iron
A good quality vitamin and mineral supplement creates a sound micronutrient foundation to accompany a balanced diet. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Nutrition is the foundation for health and development. Better nutrition means...
$29.95 - $59.95
Up to $ 1.20 Cashback
OPC-3® Chews
The formula for OPC-3 Chews includes some of the most powerful bioflavonoids currently known to research scientists. These bioflavonoids are scientifically termed oligomeric proanthocyanidins, commonly abbreviated OPCs. Studies have shown OPCs to be...
Up to $ 0.70 Cashback
Isotonix® Daily Essentials Kit (Without Iron)
There’s nothing more important than taking care of yourself on a daily basis. With the Isotonix Daily Essentials Kit, you can be sure that you’re giving your body the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients it needs thanks to four essential...
Up to $ 4.40 Cashback
Heart Health™ System
Whatever your inspiration, the benefits of a healthy heart are worth the effort. Not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, exercising regularly and taking the right supplements can all...
Up to $ 2.24 Cashback