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GoTrim® Core Fat & Carb Inhibitor
sku 6462
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How GoTrim® Core Fat & Carb Inhibitor Benefits You
Tame Appetite. Slow Carbs. Trim Down.
Always feeling hungry? You may be dealing with leptin sensitivity, which tells your brain when to eat, how much and when to stop. Your way to help control appetite is GoTrim® Core Fat & Carb Inhibitor. Utilizing the clinically proven, all-natural key ingredient LeptiCore®†, it specifically targets weight management issues related to leptin sensitivity. Not only does GoTrim Core help support suppressing your hunger, but it also inhibits the amount of carbohydrates absorbed by your body and the conversion of excess carbohydrates into fat. The help you need to lose weight and keep it off is right here.* Discover the effectiveness of GoTrim Core Fat & Carb Inhibitor combined with the GoTrim® Lifestyle System to help slow the absorption of carbs and keep that appetite in check! Control your hunger so it doesn’t control you!*
Tame Hunger
Primary Benefits* of GoTrim Core Fat & Carb Inhibitor

Tame hunger.
- Supports leptin sensitivity, which may help to manage hunger and stimulate lipolysis
- May help suppress appetite by promoting a feeling of fullness
- Helps encourage the individual to stop eating by promoting the feeling of fullness
- May help to reduce fat stores in the body
- Promotes reduction in body mass index (BMI)
- Helps promote weight loss
- Inhibits the amylase enzyme and slows the absorption of carbohydrates into the bloodstream
- Helps inhibit carbohydrate absorption in the body
- Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels
- Promotes normal insulin activity
- Helps maintain normal cholesterol levels
What Makes GoTrim Core Fat & Carb Inhibitor Unique?
Do you feel like you’re always hungry and never full? Have you tried other products on the market but still struggle with your weight? If so, you may be dealing with leptin insensitivity. Leptin is the hormone that, in essence, tells our brain when to eat, how much to eat and – most importantly – when to stop eating. It is secreted by fat. The more fat, the more leptin. However, the people who could benefit most from leptin’s effects are those who need it most.
While overweight people produce much higher levels of leptin than thin and normal-weight individuals, they are somehow resistant to its effects. For example, when serial dieters — those who are continually losing and gaining weight — lose fat through diet and exercise, the brain thinks it is starving and tells the body to hold on to its fat stores. This is when the weight usually roars back. That’s because the body will fight harder against losing fat than it will against gaining fat. That's why most people find it a whole lot easier to get fat than they do to get lean. As someone gains weight, the body tries to maintain the status quo, but the baseline has moved higher. After the body adjusts to a heavier, new status quo, it's hard to slim down again.
GoTrim Core Fat & Carb Inhibitor was created to deal specifically with weight management issues related to leptin sensitivity. GoTrim Core Fat & Carb Inhibitor, one of the few products on the market to deal with this issue, works in three specific ways. First, it may help with appetite suppression with the help of LeptiCore*, a clinically proven, patent-pending all-natural ingredient designed to promote healthy weight management.* Next, GoTrim Core Fat & Carb Inhibitor inhibits the amount of starchy carbohydrates absorbed by the body. These carbohydrates can elevate blood sugar levels, increasing insulin. This can cause the body to store additional fat, triggering leptin and causing you to eat and over-consume. Finally, GoTrim Core Fat & Carb Inhibitor helps to stop the body from converting excess carbohydrates into fat.*
By supporting a normal response to leptin, helping to inhibit the body’s absorption of carbohydrates you eat and helping to reduce fat stores in the body, you can finally get the support you need to keep off the weight. GoTrim Core Fat & Carb Inhibitor, combined with the GoTrim® Lifestyle System, will help you lose weight and feel great!*
†As LeptiCore®. LeptiCore is a registered trademark of Gateway Health Alliances, Inc., protected under U.S. Patent #6,899,892 and pending patents.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
‡Individuals following the GoTrim® Lifestyle System as part of a healthy diet and exercise program can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week.
Product Classifications
Gluten-Free – The finished product contains no detectable gluten (< 10 ppm gluten).
Vegan – The product is made without ingredients produced by or derived from animals.
Quality Standards – Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) operations and standardized ingredients
Checked for Heavy metals, microbiological contaminants, allergens, residual solvents, potency, purity and identity
Key Ingredients
Dietary chromium is an essential trace mineral assisting in the metabolism and use of carbohydrates and fat. Known as the glucose tolerance factor, chromium promotes the delivery of blood sugar to cells, thereby helping to maintain normal insulin activity. Chromium also helps maintain healthy levels of cholesterol and other blood lipids. Due to the role it plays in metabolism, chromium is commonly added to natural weight loss products.*
Phaseolus vulgaris (white kidney bean extract)
Research has shown that supplementation with white kidney bean extract promoted a greater reduction in body weight, body mass index (BMI) and fat mass. Scientifically known as Phaseolus vulgaris, the white kidney bean is classified as an amylase inhibitor. Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down starchy carbohydrates into more easily absorbed sugars such as glucose. As individuals age, their ability to use carbohydrates slows down, causing increased glucose in the bloodstream. The result is excess storage in the form of fat. Amylase plays a role in the digestion of carbohydrates and, subsequently, in the absorption of unwanted calories. Supplementation with white kidney bean extract allows certain carbohydrates to pass through the body undigested, stopping them from eventually being converted into fat. This bypass of undigested carbohydrates may help stabilize levels of simple sugars (glucose) in the blood.*
LeptiCore®† has been clinically proven to help reduce body weight, stored body fat, and waist and hip size. LeptiCore — a proprietary, safe and natural complex of plant-based polysaccharides and esterified fatty acids — has demonstrated the ability to enhance weight loss. LeptiCore targets critical mechanisms involved with body fat storage. LeptiCore supports the normal activity of leptin, a hormone involved with hunger signals. With LeptiCore, leptin sensitivity is supported. LeptiCore supports the ability of leptin to enter the brain and signal the stomach that it is full. Supporting leptin sensitivity has the potential to increase satiety, decrease appetite, promote blood sugar balance and increase thermogenesis — a significant component of the metabolic rate.*
Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) fruit extract
Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) grows in tropical areas. It is cultivated throughout South America as a food and for its health properties. Bitter melon has also exhibited antioxidant properties and plays a role in maintaining normal blood sugar levels. Charantin, one of several constituents in bitter melon, is believed to act as its primary mechanism to help the body maintain normal blood sugar levels.*
- In considering the GoTrim Lifestyle System, how important is calorie counting?
The GoTrim Lifestyle System is based on low-glycemic eating and portion control, not calorie counting. Therefore, anyone can follow the system to achieve optimal results — regardless of their size. The GoTrim Lifestyle System is based on eating the right kinds of foods to help nourish and fill your body. Counting calories is not a priority when you follow the GoTrim Lifestyle System.‡* - Are fat-free and low-fat foods the solution to being overweight?
These foods can play a part in an overall effort to lose weight but consuming them will not undo a myriad of other dietary downfalls, nor will they make up for a lack of physical activity. Successful weight loss and maintenance depend on achieving the right mix of diet and physical activity. To lose weight, you need to take in less energy (eat fewer calories) than you expend (or work off) through physical activity. Combining dietary modifications to reduce calories and fat with a consistent physical activity plan is the most effective way to lose weight. Also, focusing on eating a wide variety of foods lower on the glycemic index (GI), which ranks carbohydrate-rich foods according to their effect on blood glucose levels, is a great way to appease the senses as well as gain a greater range of vitamins and nutrients in one’s diet. When you consume an assortment of foods, eating healthier becomes easier and more gratifying. Fat-free and low-fat foods are not always low in calories and are usually not very satisfying. - What are carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are the body’s three main sources of fuel. All three sources contain calories; carbohydrates and proteins supply four calories per gram, and fats supply nine calories per gram. When the body burns a calorie — whether from a carbohydrate, a protein or a fat — energy is released. Carbohydrates, however, are the body’s predominant and most efficient energy source. - What roles do carbohydrates play in the body?
Different types of carbohydrates are processed differently by the body and, consequently, have different effects on blood glucose levels, as ranked by the glycemic index. Carbohydrates provide the body with the fuel it needs for physical activity and proper organ function. The best sources of carbohydrates — fruits, vegetables and whole grains — deliver essential vitamins and minerals, fiber and a host of important phytonutrients. The digestive system handles all carbohydrates in much the same way. It breaks them down (or tries to break them down, which is the case with fiber) into single-sugar molecules since only single-sugar molecules are small enough to cross into the bloodstream. It converts carbohydrates into glucose (also known as blood sugar) because cells are designed to use this as a universal energy source. The glycemic index measures how fast and how high blood sugar levels rise after consuming foods that contain carbohydrates. White bread, for example, is a high-glycemic index food and is converted almost immediately to glucose, causing blood sugar levels to spike rapidly. Brown rice, in contrast, has a low glycemic index and is digested more slowly, causing a steadier and overall lower change in blood sugar levels. - As I lose weight, will the elasticity in my skin adapt to the weight loss?
Over time, through exercise, most people find that their excess skin will adapt to their new body and tighten up. It is important that you exercise to improve your muscle mass and tone and help fat loss. - Do I have to exercise to see results?
As with most weight loss supplements, this product was designed to be taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise. This is the best and most proven way to lose weight. Exercise and healthy eating are essential for optimal results. - Are reduced-fat foods always low in fat?
These types of food are lower in fat than the original, but that does not necessarily mean they are low-fat. To know the facts, read the nutrition label and compare the fat content of two similar products with the same serving size. - How are different carbohydrates metabolized in the body?
When a food containing complex carbohydrates — oatmeal, for instance — is eaten, its high-fiber content prevents it from quickly leaving the stomach. This results in a feeling of fullness. The food then moves into the small intestine, where the two types of complex carbohydrates — starch and fiber — separate from each other. The starch portion slowly makes its way toward the villi, which are fingerlike projections of the small intestine that absorb nutrients. By this time, the starch has been broken down into glucose and is ready to be transported to the blood. When the glucose enters the blood, your blood sugar level rises. This, in turn, causes the pancreas to secrete insulin, a hormone that allows glucose to be transported to the cells. When glucose enters the cells, some of it is immediately used as fuel, some is stored in the muscles and liver as reserve fuel, and any remaining glucose is transferred into fat. As glucose is distributed throughout the body, blood sugar levels begin to fall. A very different scenario occurs when a food containing simple carbohydrates is consumed, such as a sugar-sweetened soft drink or a square of fudge. Because foods with simple sugars have little or no fiber to slow their movement through the stomach, they are rapidly transported to the small intestine. Once there, the starch is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, causing a rapid surge of glucose and a spike in your blood sugar level. In response, the pancreas quickly releases insulin, which immediately begins the task of moving the glucose into cells. The result is a drop in blood glucose levels. - How does GoTrim Core Fat & Carb Inhibitor support weight management?
In the weight loss game, starchy carbohydrates can really pack on the pounds. Starchy carbohydrates can also trigger leptin resistance. Starchy carbohydrates lead to higher blood sugar levels, increasing insulin and causing the body to store fat. When you work towards your weight loss and healthy lifestyle goals, GoTrim Core Fat & Carb Inhibitor works as hard as you do. Its active ingredient, white kidney bean extract, inhibits the enzymes that normally break down starch into glucose within the small intestine. White kidney bean extract uses a calculated approach to affect the utilization of carbohydrates once they enter the body. As a result, glucose absorption from carbohydrate-rich foods — such as bread, potatoes, rice and pasta — is inhibited. This gives you an advantage by minimizing the effects of surplus carbohydrates that are waiting to be converted into fat within the body. GoTrim Core Fat & Carb Inhibitor also contains bitter melon (Momordica charantia) fruit extract, a South American food. Bitter melon is known for its antioxidant and immune-supporting abilities. Preliminary research has also shown that bitter melon promotes glucose tolerance.* - Are there any warnings/contraindications associated with this product?
If you are currently using prescription drugs for diabetes or have an ongoing medical condition, consult your healthcare provider before using this product. If you are pre-diabetic or diabetic, monitor blood glucose levels closely when using this product. Wait at least four hours between taking GoTrim Core and any penicillin-family antibiotics. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use this product.
- Anderson, R. Effects of chromium on body composition and weight loss. Nutrition Reviews. 56(9): 266-270, 1998.
- Anderson, R., et al. Chromium supplementation of human subjects: Effects on glucose, insulin, and lipid variables. Metabolism. 32(9): 894-899, 1983.
- Cakir, B., et al. Leptin inhibits gastric emptying in rats: Role of CCK receptors and vagal afferent fibers. Physiology Research. 56: 315-322, 2007.
- Celleno, L., et al. A dietary supplement containing standardized Phaseolus vulgaris extract influences body composition of overweight men and women. International Journal of Medical Sciences. 4(1):45-52, 2007.
- Cohen P., et al. Selective deletion of leptin receptor in neurons leads to obesity. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 108(8):1113-21, 2001.
- French, S. Effects of dietary fat and carbohydrate on appetite vary depending upon site and structure. British Journal of Nutrition. 93(Supplement 1): S23-S26, 2004.
- Friedman, J. The function of leptin in nutrition, weight, and physiology. Nutrition Reviews. 60(10 Pt 2):S1-14; discussion S68-84, 85-7, 2002.
- Kaats, G., et al. A randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled study of the effects of chromium picolinate supplementation on body composition: A replication and extension of a previous study. Current Therapeutic Research. 59(6): 379-387, 1998.
- Obiro, W., et al. The nutraceutical role of Phaseolus vulgaris alpha-amylase inhibitor. British Journal of Nutrition. 100: 1-12, 2008.
- Pittler, M. and Ernst, E. Dietary supplements for body-weight reduction: A systematic review. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 79(4): 529-536, 2004.
- Preuss, H. and Anderson, R. Chromium update: Examining recent literature 1997-1998. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. 1(6): 509-512, 1998.
- Preuss, H. and Anderson, R. Chromium update: Examining recent literature 1997-1998. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. 1(6): 509-512, 1998.
- Sparti, A., et al. Effect of diets high or low in unavailable and slowly digestible carbohydrates on the pattern of 24-h substrate oxidation and feeling of hunger in humans. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 73: 1462-1468, 2000.
- Udani J., et al. Blocking carbohydrate absorption and weight loss: a clinical trial using Phase 2 brand proprietary fractionated white bean extract. Alternative Medicine Review. 9(1):63-9, 2004.
- Udani, J. and Singh, B. Blocking carbohydrate absorption and weight loss: a clinical trial using a proprietary fractionated white bean extract. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. 13(4):32-7, 2007.
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Love this product
This is helping to curb my appetite so I can lose the last few unwanted pounds
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Thank you for your positive review of GoTrim® Core Fat & Carb Inhibitor! We’re thrilled to hear that it has been helping you with your appetite and supporting your journey toward achieving your goals. Your success and satisfaction are important to us, and we appreciate you sharing your experience. Thank you for choosing GoTrim® and for being a valued customer!
by CarolP
So far, so good
I have just started using this product in connection with the Transitions Lifestyle System and the results are good so far. I will continue to monitor my weight loss results for the next 12 weeks.
Response from Customer Service
Thank you for your review of TLS® CORE Fat & Carb Inhibitor! We're excited to hear that you're seeing positive results as part of the Transitions Lifestyle System. Your commitment to monitoring your progress is inspiring, and we look forward to hearing more about your journey. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out. Thank you for choosing TLS®!
by JesseF
I love CORE
This product will always be on my shelf!! I lost pounds, but then hit a wall - just could not get over it. I decided to try CORE and WOW, I then started losing inches!!! That's what I needed and did not know it. My clothes fit better and that's always a good thing.
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Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the TLS® CORE Fat & Carb Inhibitor! We are so happy to hear you are pleased with the product!
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The Product Information Team
by RachelD
My product review
I keep TLS Core in my purse at all times. I am down 30 lbs in a year with the TLS lifestyle and the help of TLS Core. It has been a staple in my fitness regimen. Not only does it help block fat and carbs, it curbs my appetite.
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Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the TLS® CORE Fat & Carb Inhibitor! We are so happy to hear you are pleased with the product!
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The Product Information Team
by DeniB
I love my CORE
I started taking core in Sept of this year, and in three months along with a healthy diet I have lost 17 pounds. I feel better my clothes fit better, and I am so proud of myself as I have struggled with my weight for many years. For me, core is the magic ingredient. Thank you, thank you
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Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the TLS® CORE Fat & Carb Inhibitor! We are so happy to hear you are pleased with the product!
Thank you again!
The Product Information Team
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