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Ultimate Aloe™ with AstaReal® Astaxanthin

sku 12893


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Primary Benefits* of Ultimate Aloe™ with AstaReal® Astaxanthin

Healthy digestion.

  • Supports a healthy digestive tract
  • Promotes digestive comfort
  • Promotes normal healing
  • Supports a healthy immune system
  • May help maintain normal cholesterol levels
  • Helps support normal levels of HDL cholesterol
  • Powerful antioxidant
  • Assists in quenching free radicals
  • Promotes healthy antioxidant concentration
  • May promote healthy skin
  • May help maintain normal blood sugar levels

Healthy Digestion

What Makes Ultimate Aloe with AstaReal Astaxanthin Unique?

Did you know that your gut contributes to the most critical functions of your entire body, such as metabolism and the immune system? That’s right—a healthy gut means a healthy overall well-being. With over 100 trillion bacteria residing in the gut, it plays a vital role in our metabolism and overall health. While gut bacteria perform a variety of duties, they are largely responsible for the short chain fatty acids that become energy sources for our bodies. This inspired the combination of aloe and astaxanthin to create Ultimate Aloe™ with AstaReal® Astaxanthin, which offers support for your gut and digestive system.*

Aloe vera contains over 200 nutrients. Ultimate Aloe Powder is derived from inner leaf aloe and retains the qualities of aloe vera through a proprietary extraction process called ActivAloe®; isolating and concentrating the most active polysaccharides while removing undesirable components, such as aloin and emodin which may cause digestive upset. We’ve combined aloe with the powerful benefits of astaxanthin, the carotenoid that gives the reddish pigment to some algae, salmon, crab, krill, and lobster.

Ultimate Aloe with AstaReal® Astaxanthin’s formula uses AstaReal® astaxanthin, which ranks among the purest and most powerful antioxidants available. AstaReal® uses precision cultivation techniques in state-of the-art facilities, producing astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis, a freshwater microalga, in a purified and sterile environment. This proprietary process allows it to be fully cold-water soluble in seconds while remaining lightly flavored and easily digested.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product(s) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

ACTIValoe®. ACTIVEaloe is a registered trademark of Aloecorp, Inc.

‡As AstaReal®. AstaReal is a registered trademark of Fuji Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.

What Makes Ultimate Aloe with AstaReal Astaxanthin Unique?

Product Classifications

Gluten-Free - The finished product contains no detectable gluten (<10ppm gluten)

Vegan - The product is made without ingredients produced by or derived from animals

Drinkable Supplements - Easy-to-swallow supplements in liquid form are immediately available to the body for absorption

Quality Standards - GMP Operations and Standardized Ingredients

Checked For: Heavy Metals, Microbiological Contaminants, Allergens, Residual Solvents, Potency, Purity and Identity

Key Ingredients

Inner Leaf Aloe vera
Aloe is a cactus-like succulent that grows in hot, dry climates. Its name was derived from the Arabic word “Alloeh”, meaning a “shining bitter substance” and vera came from the Latin word “vera”, meaning “true”. Dating back thousands of years, aloe vera has been used for various cosmetic and health purposes and has been found and described in writings in many different cultures and as far back as the Greek, Egyptian, and Roman eras. Because Aloe vera has been transplanted so widely across the globe for commercial reasons, its ancestral home is particularly mysterious and has been a matter of some debate. The first known written reports of Aloe vera are from ancient Egypt, where it was regarded as a sacred plant holding secrets to beauty, health, and immortality. It was known as the “plant of eternity”, and it was documented in the “Ebers Papyrus”, a preserved document, of approximately 1500 BC.*

The ground whole leaf of the plant has been used as a health agent or cosmetic ingredient for thousands of years in promoting normal healing and healthy digestion and continues to gain in popularity as an effective health supplement. Today, Aloe vera is used topically to soothe skin and consumed to support digestive health and comfort. In addition to its digestive health benefits, Aloe vera has also been shown to support the immune system, promote healthy skin, and even assist in maintaining normal blood sugar levels.*

Astaxanthin (AstaReal®
Astaxanthin is a carotenoid that gives the reddish pigment to some algae, salmon, crab, krill and lobster. It is known for its powerful antioxidant effects and has been shown to be a superior free radical quencher when compared to other antioxidants like coenzyme Q10 and green tea. AstaReal®† provides sustainably sourced Astaxanthin from Haematococcus Pluvialis. Astaxanthin is known to be a powerful antioxidant with an affinity for tissues that have heightened metabolic demand such as cardiac muscle, capillary beds within organs and skeletal muscles requiring sufficient oxygen and energy for their proper performance.*

A significant number of human clinical studies demonstrate the efficacy of astaxanthin in supporting cardiovascular health. Research reveals an impressive link between astaxanthin derived from algae and normal healthy levels of HDL, a form of lipid respected for its cardio-protective benefits. With exercise comes the creation of free radicals. Specifically, singlet oxygen free radicals. These radicals are particularly problematic in aging and cellular endurance. Meaning, with age comes a slowing down of our ability to quench these free radicals as fast as they are produced. Athletes and those that exercise regularly, regardless of age, create these free radicals at a significant rate. Individuals in both groups may benefit from a nutritional intervention of AstaReal® Astaxanthin to meet their metabolic demands.*


  1. How do I take Ultimate Aloe with AstaReal® Astaxanthin?
    Add 1 packet to 4 fluid ounces of water and mix well. Take once daily or as directed by your healthcare provider.

  2. How many calories are in one serving of Ultimate Aloe with AstaReal® Astaxanthin?
    There are 20 calories per serving.

  3. Does Ultimate Aloe with AstaReal® Astaxanthin need to be refrigerated?
    No, it can be stored safely at room temperature.

  4. Why does the taste vary?
    The taste will vary from lot to lot due to the seasonal time of harvest. The sun and the amount of water the plants receive are directly responsible for the ripeness of the plants. Just as with any vegetable, you will have a different taste depending upon the growing process.

  5. How does aloe work?
    Aloe vera works because the green skin of the plant produces, and the sap stores, at least six beneficial health agents: lupeol, salicylic acid, urea nitrogen, cinnamomic acid, phenol, and sulfur. In addition, the plant also produces at least 23 proteins (polypeptides) and at least four mannan sugars, which promote healthy skin and support the immune system.* 

  6. What is Astaxanthin?
    Astaxanthin is a carotenoid that gives the reddish pigment to some algae, salmon, crab, krill and lobster. Ultimate Aloe with AstaReal® Astaxanthin uses a fully sustainable source of red pigmented algae. Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant and it does not become a pro-oxidant. This means, even under tremendous oxidative stress, astaxanthin does not create free radicals from itself or its metabolism.* 

  7. Where is the astaxanthin in Ultimate Aloe with AstaReal® Astaxanthin sourced?
    This product uses only AstaReal®† Astaxanthin, which is manufactured from carefully cultivated microalgae (Haematococcus pluvialis) in state-of-the-art facilities. In contrast to generic varieties, AstaReal® astaxanthin is unsurpassed for quality control and consistency in manufacture. AstaReal® astaxanthin is frequently selected for clinical research and testing in nutritional applications. AstaReal® Astaxanthin has 14 patents over a span of several areas of health, making AstaReal® your only choice in quality astaxanthin.

  8. Who should take Ultimate Aloe with AstaReal® Astaxanthin?
    Anyone looking for a great tasting product to support a healthy digestive tract and immune system while also providing effects for healthy skin.*

  9. Is Ultimate Aloe with AstaReal® Astaxanthin suitable for use by both men and women?
    Yes. Ultimate Aloe with AstaReal® Astaxanthin is beneficial for both adult men and women. Please read the product label for any product warnings.

  10. Which products are best combined with Ultimate Aloe with AstaReal® Astaxanthin?
    Any of the Market America products would be a complementary addition to Ultimate Aloe with AstaReal. If digestive health is a high focus, Isotonix® Digestive Enzymes or Nutriclean® Probiotics could be good additions. 

  11. Why did we choose to combine 2 powerful ingredients in the Ultimate Aloe with AstaReal® Astaxanthin formula?
    AstaReal astaxanthin was added to this great formula to enhance the digestive and skin health benefits. Additionally, the flavor of AstaReal helps give the natural aloe a pleasant taste boost.*


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