


產品代號(sku) 1095


此產品符合免運費或優惠運費資格。 了解更多資訊


  • 促進最佳免疫功能
  • 提供抗氧化保護
  • 促進心臟功能的正常調節
  • 促進認知健康
  • 增進骨骼、肌肉與皮膚的健康
  • 幫助維持健康的膽固醇水平





Discovery Shows New Vitamin C Health Benefits

(Oregon State University.

Osteoporosis: Vitamin C and Keeping Healthy ( by Harvinder S. Sandhu, M.D. and Ms. Mary Claire Walsh )

Vitamin C after heart attack improves exercise ability ( Monday, September 11, 2006 by Reuters Health)

Stressed out? Vitamin C is possibly the perfect chill pill

August 23, 1999, Web posted at: 1:03 p.m. EDT (1703 GMT) By: Medical Correspondent Dr. Steve Salvatore

Vitamin C: Your Ultimate Health Insurance

by Hans R. Larsen, MSc ChE



維生素C(抗壞血酸)(Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)) 500毫克









β-胡蘿蔔素(維生素A前驅物)(Beta Carotene (Vitamin A Precursor)) 800國際單位



鉀(碳酸氫鉀)(Potassium (Bicarbonate)) 99毫克














兒童應該食用DNA Miracles Isotonix®兒童多維素粉末,該配方每份食用量中的維生素C含量較低。維生素C營養補充品對兒童有特別的好處。*








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透過 HaoH




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Isotonix V-C

This Isotonix V-C is very good make my skin very good !


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透過 匿名

Vitamin C

Love that it isn’t capsule & dissolves instantly


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Thank you for your kind words! We're thrilled to hear you're enjoying our Nutrametrix Isotonix® Vitamin C. We designed it with convenience and effectiveness in mind, and we're glad it's meeting your expectations. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. Cheers to your health!

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The Product Information Team


透過 匿名

best to work with opc3

we drink this everyday and feel solid, healthy and beautiful.


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