
DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童綜合維生素粉末

產品代號(sku) 6934


$ 1.08  現金回饋

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  • 幫助促進維生素與礦物質的正常水平,為個人提供神經、消化或代謝支援
  • 有助維持神經遞質的正常生成
  • 促進並支援健康的神經系統
  • 幫助支援大腦健康及發育
  • 促進健康的感官發育
  • 提供強大的抗氧化防護
  • 促進組織及細胞的正常生長
  • 為諸多生理過程提供必需的營養素
  • 支援最佳免疫功能
  • 支援骨骼的健康與生長
  • 支援牙齒與牙齦健康
  • 支援視力與眼睛健康
  • 支援心臟健康


能幫助支援兒童營養需求的選擇甚多,但重要的是您確信您所選擇的維生素補充品能滿足您孩子的特別需求。對某些孩子來說,他們需要更多的呵護。這就是為什麼我們精心調製DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童綜合維生素粉末。

DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童綜合維生素粉末與傳統兒童維生素的不同之處,在於此配方可以支援兒童在消化、 神經及代謝健康方面的特定營養需求。

DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童綜合維生素粉末不僅提供兒童所需的必需營養素,幫助他們健康成長、保持強健,更提供了精心挑選、具高度生物可利用性的維生素及礦物質綜合配方。這非常重要,因為這些成分能迅速被吸收,被身體更有效地運用,讓孩子在所需時獲得營養素。

此外,DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童綜合維生素粉末採用先進的Isotonix等滲透營養傳輸系統,將精心調配的綜合維生素快速且有效輸送體內,發揮最大效益,並快速感覺到效果。

當您的孩子需要綜合維生素的額外支援時,快來試試專為他們用心設計的DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童綜合維生素粉末。因為每個孩子都是一個愛的奇蹟。

DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童綜合維生素粉末的主要成分:



維生素B1(硫胺素)(Vitamin B1 (Thiamin))


維生素B2(核黃素)(Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin))




5-磷酸吡哆醇(P5P (pyridoxal 5 phosphate))


泛酸(Pantothenic acid)


維生素B12(甲基鈷胺素)(Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin))


葉酸(Folinic acid)




維生素C(Vitamin C)


維生素D3(膽鈣化醇)(Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol))


維生素ED-α-乙酸生育酚)(Vitamin E (D-alpha-tocopheryl acetate))


鈣(碳酸鹽)(Calcium (Carbonate))


鉻(螯合型胺基酸)(Chromium (Amino Acid Chelate))




鎂(乳酸鹽)(Magnesium (Lactate))


錳(硫酸鹽)(Manganese (Sulfate))


硒(硒甲硫胺酸)(Selenium (Selenomethionine))


鋅(硫酸鹽)(Zinc (Sulfate))


DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童綜合維生素粉末的主要成分:




DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童綜合維生素粉末與其他兒童綜合維生素產品有何不同?

首先,DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童綜合維生素粉末配方以Isotonix等滲透營養傳輸系統使營養較快地被孩子的身體系統所吸收。這即意味著營養價值流失較少,您的孩子能最大程度地獲得這些綜合維生素的益處。

其次,DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童綜合維生素粉末特別為有需要的兒童調配,用以支援消化、代謝或神經系統。基於多種理由,補充綜合維生素對這些兒童來説是非常重要的。兒童的飲食口味通常較為特定,很少喜歡吃各種各樣的食物。對於需要在消化、代謝或神經系統方面得到支援的兒童來説,攝取特別調製的綜合維生素至關重要。

DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童綜合維生素粉末的食用份量是多少?



DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童綜合維生素粉末可以與其他DNA Miracles產品一起食用嗎?

DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童綜合維生素粉末可以與各種DNA Miracles產品 — DNA Miracles兒童益生菌嚼片、DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童消化酵素粉末、DNA Miracles兒童必需脂肪酸、DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童OPC-3一起食用。

而且,只要按照適合的比例將粉末與水混合(1小瓶蓋量的粉末加上2盎司的水 ),孩子可以同時食用這些DNA Miracles Isotonix產品。

DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童綜合維生素粉末的科學支持:

  • Ah Kang-Yoon S et al. Relation of short-term pyridoxine-hydrochloride supplementation to plasma vitamin-B6 vitamers and amino acid concentrations in young women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 55(4):865-872, 1992.
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  • Benton, D., et al. Thiamine supplementation mood and cognitive functioning. Psychopharmacology (Berlin). 129(1):66-71, 1997.
  • Black, M., et al. Iron and Zinc Supplementation Promote Motor Development and Exploratory Behavior Among Bangladeshi Infants. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 80: 903 910, 2004.
  • Brouwer, I., et al. Dietary Folate from Vegetables and Citrus Fruit Decreases Plasma Homocysteine Concentrations in Humans in a Dietary Controlled Trial. Journal of Nutrition. 129: 1135-1139, 1999.
  • Burton G et al. Vitamin E: Antioxidant activity, biokinetics, and bioavailability. Annual Review Nutrition. 10:357-382, 1992.
  • Carter, l., et al. Self-Reported Calcium Intake and Bone Mineral Content in Children and Adolescents. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 20: 502-509, 2001.
  • Chitchumroonchokchai, C., et al. Xanthophylls and -Tocopherol Decrease UVB-Induced Lipid Peroxidation and Stress Signaling in Human Lens Epithelial Cells. Journal of Nutrition. 134: 3225-3232, 2004.
  • Diliberto E et al. Multicompartmental secretion of ascorbate and its dual role in dopamine b-hydroxylation. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 54(6 Supplement):1163S-72S, 1991.
  • Dodiuk-Gad, R. P., et al. Sustained Effect of Short-term Calcium Supplementation on Bone Mass in Adolescent Girls with Low Calcium Intake. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 81: 168 174, 2005.
  • Earnest, C., et al. Complex Multivitamin Supplementation Improves Homocysteine and Resistance to LDL-C Oxidation. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 22: 400-407, 2003.
  • Etten, E., et al. 1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol: Endocrinology Meets the Immune System. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 61: 375-380, 2002.
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  • Gardner, J., et al. Zinc Supplementation and Psychosocial Stimulation: Effects on the Development of Undernourished Jamaican Children. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 82: 399 405, 2005.
  • Halterman, J., et al. Iron Deficiency and Cognitive Achievement among School-Aged Children and Adolescents in the United States. Pediatrics. 107: 1381 1386, 2001.
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  • Kimura, M., et al. Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase C677T Polymorphism, Folic Acid and Riboflavin are Important Determinants of Genome S
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  • Kleijnen J and Knipschild P. Niacin and vitamin B6 in mental functioning: a review of controlled trials in humans. Biological Psychiatry. 29(9):931-41, 1991.
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  • Lenton, Kevin J., et al. Vitamin C Augments Lymphocyte Glutathione in Subjects with Ascorbate Deficiency. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 77: 189 195, 2003.
  • Matkovic, V., et al. Calcium Supplementation and Bone Mineral Density in Females from Childhood to Young Adulthood: A Randomized Controlled Trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 81: 175 188, 2005.
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  • Meydani M. Protective role of dietary vitamin E on oxidative stress in ageing. Age. 15:89-93, 1992.
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  • Raslova K., et al. Effect of Diet and 677 C-->T 5, 10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Genotypes on Plasma Homocyst(e)ine Concentrations in Slovak Adolescent Population. Physiological Research. 49(6): 651-8, 2000.
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  • Rink, L. and Kirchner, H. Zinc-Altered Immune Function and Cytokine Production. Journal of Nutrition. 130: 1407S-1411S, 2000.
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  • Udomkesmalee, E., et al. Effect of Vitamin A and Zinc Supplementation on the Nutriture of Children in Northeast Thailand. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 56: 50 57, 1992.
  • Van Stuijvenberg, E., et al. Effect of Iron-, Iodine-, and ß-caroteneFortified Biscuits on the Micronutrient Status of Primary School Children: a Randomized Controlled Trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 69: 497 503, 1999.
  • Vatanparast, H., et al. Positive Effects of Vegetable and Fruit Consumption and Calcium Intake on Bone Mineral Accrual in Boys during Growth from Childhood to Adolescence: the University of Saskatchewan Pediatric Bone Mineral Accrual Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 82: 700-706, 2005.
  • Villamor, E. and Fawzi, W. Effects of Vitamin A Supplementation on Immune Response and Correlation with Clinical Outcomes. Clinical Microbiology Reviews. 18: 446-464, 2005.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate) - monograph. Alternative Medicine Review. 6:87-92, 2001. Review.
  • Whiting, S., et al. Dietary Protein, Phosphorus and Potassium Are Beneficial to Bone Mineral Density in Adult Men Consuming Adequate Dietary Calcium. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 21: 40



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顯示  1 - 5 的 9


透過 KatherineK

Very Complete multivitamin

I'm very impressed with the ingredients in this formula. The B vitamins are methylated for maximum use by the body, which means even people with metabolic challenges can benefit from this formula. Plus, it's so easy to take!


Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the
DNA Miracles Isotonix® Multivitamin Plus! We are happy to hear you are pleased with the product!

Thank you again!
The Product Information Team


透過 匿名

Happy kids happy mommy

My daughter absolutely loves these vitamins! They taste great and she always asks for more, although we don’t give her more but she looks forward to starting her morning off with them. I love the peace of mind that she is getting nutrients she needs with the isotonix delivery system with out binders and fillers like other vitamins on the market. Would highly recommend these especially for picky eaters like mine who don’t get all of their nutrition through food alone.


Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for taking the time to leave your thoughts on the DNA Miracles Isotonix Multivitamin Plus! We are happy to hear you are pleased with the product.

Thank you again!
The Product Information Team


透過 EmilyC

Love love love!

We love this multi so much. My one year old is MTHFR so I make sure all her supplements are methylated. One of the reasons I love this so much. She loves the taste and it looks like orange juice.


透過 VanessaR

Easy way to keep children healthy

It is easy to administer since it is a liquid. Better yet, my daughter loves the taste! She just turned 3 yrs old and she asks for her vitamins every morning. I feel good knowing that due to the delivery system, my daughter is getting her vitamins and minerals at an accelerated rate.


透過 匿名

Love it turns into a liquid

So I bought this for my five kids ages 7, 10, 13, 15, and 15. None of them like the taste of it. I had to add a little bit of sugar to it. Which I was hoping not to do. But I can’t get them to drink it unless I do. But I love that it’s a liquid and it makes it easier for them to swallow. I have one child who has autism so having liquid vitamins is so important. Just wish the flavor was better.


Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the DNA Miracles Isotonix® Multivitamin Plus! We are so happy to hear you are pleased with the product overall! While many children enjoy the flavor, we understand that everyone has different taste preferences. We would recommend mixing this product with their other Isotonix products or even a splash of fruit juice to enhance the flavor.

Thank you again!
The Product Information Team