


DNA Miracles兒童OPC-3

產品代號(sku) 6939


$ 1.54  現金回饋

此產品符合免運費或優惠運費資格。 了解更多資訊


  • 提供強大的抗氧化防護
  • 強大的自由基清除劑
  • 有助維持大腦健康
  • 支援神經遞質的生成
  • 鞏固毛細血管、動脈和靜脈血管的強度,有助維持健康的血液循環
  • 支援健康的血管舒張
  • 促進正常的一氧化氮水平

DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童OPC-3的主要成分

松樹皮萃取物(碧容健®(Pine Bark Extract (Pycnogenol®))20毫克


葡萄籽萃取物(Grape Seed Extract) 12.5毫克


葡萄皮萃取物(Grape Skin Extract)


山桑果萃取物(Bilberry Extract)12.5毫克


柑橘類萃取物(生物類黃酮)(Citrus Extract (Bioflavonoids))12.5毫克


玻尿酸(玻尿酸鈉)(Hyaluronic Acid (Sodium Hyaluronate))7.5毫克




維生素C(抗壞血酸)(Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid))100毫克


維生素D3(膽鈣化醇)(Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol))5微克


維生素E乙酸鹽(d-α-乙酸生育酚)(Vitamin E Acetate (d-Alpha-Tocopheryl-Acetate))11毫克


鈣(乳酸鈣)(Calcium (Lactate))200毫克


鎂(碳酸鎂)(Magnesium (Carbonate))75毫克


鉀(碳酸氫鉀)(Potassium (Bicarbonate))50毫克



抗氧化物不只對成人重要,也為成長中的兒童提供絕佳的裨益。但有時候,孩童很難從他們的日常飲食中獲得全面的抗氧化防護,尤其是挑食的小孩。因此,我們非常榮幸地推出這款全面有效的孩童抗氧化產品 - DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童OPC-3。

在兒童營養方面,DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童OPC-3是同類產品中的佼佼者,為您的孩子提供全面的配方,旨在促進生長與發育,並提供抗氧化防護。

DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童OPC-3蘊含極佳的成分,包括經廣泛臨床研究的植物萃取物碧容健,可有效支援兒童心臟健康。如同所有的 Isotonix營養補充品,DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童OPC-3以先進的Isotonix等滲透營養傳輸系統快速、有效地輸送營養素,確保其發揮最大功效,並可快速感覺到效果。

DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童OPC-3粉末含有多種維生素、生物類黃酮以及其他營養素,可快速吸收,為孩子的身體提供強效的抗氧化防護,有助維持腦部健康與循環。





DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童OPC-3的配方包含一些目前科學研究人員已知的最強效的生物類黃酮,生物類黃酮是植物提取複合物中的生物活性成分。這些生物類黃酮的學名為低聚原花色素(oligomeric proanthocyanidins),簡稱OPCs。純度最高、最被廣泛研究的原花色素包括葡萄籽、紅酒、葡萄皮、山桑果、柑橘類水果及松樹皮萃取物(碧容健®)。

DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童OPC-3是否安全?

是的。原花色素是人類健康飲食中最寶貴的成分之一。歐洲人研究並使用原花色素已逾30年之久。對安全所作的廣泛研究證明,原花色素對人體無毒性,不會引起過敏反應。本品含有純淨的原花色素,加上用量經過精心調配的鉀及果糖/葡萄糖,構成了等滲透傳送系統。DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童OPC-3不含有害化學物質、防腐劑和酒精。

DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童OPC-3是否含有任何過敏原?

DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童OPC-3為素食產品且不含小麥、大豆、酵母、麩質、人工調味料、澱粉、鹽、防腐劑或奶。

DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童OPC-3的食用份量是多少?


DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童OPC-3可以與其他DNA Miracles產品一起使用嗎?

DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童OPC-3可以與各種DNA Miracles產品 — DNA Miracles兒童益生菌嚼片、DNA Miracles兒童必需脂肪酸、DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童消化酵素粉末、DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童多維素粉末或DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童綜合維生素粉末一起使用。而且,只要按照適合的比例將粉末與水混合(1小瓶蓋量的粉末加上2盎司的水 ),孩子可以同時使用這些DNA Miracles Isotonix產品。

DNA Miracles Isotonix兒童OPC-3的科學支持

  • Burton G et al. Vitamin E: Antioxidant activity, biokinetics, and bioavailability. Annual Review Nutrition. 10:357-382, 1992.
  • Devaraj S et al. Supplementation with a pine bark extract rich in polyphenols increases plasma antioxidant capacity and alters the plasma lipoprotein profile. Lipids 37:931-4, 2002.
  • Diliberto E et al. Multicompartmental secretion of ascorbate and its dual role in dopamine b-hydroxylation. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 54(6 Supplement):1163S-72S, 1991.
  • Fine A. Oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes: history, structure, and phytopharmaceutical applications. Alternative Medicine Review 5:144-51, 2000. Review.
  • Freedman, J., et al. Select flavonoids and whole juice from purple grapes inhibit platelet function and enhance nitric oxide release. Circulation 103:2792-8, 2001.
  • Frei B et al. Ascorbate is an outstanding antioxidant in human blood plasma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 86(16):6377-6381, 1989.
  • Guo Q et al. Electron spin resonance study of free radicals formed from a procyanidin-rich pine (Pinus maritima) bark extract, Pycnogenol®. Free Radical Biology Medicine. 7(11-12): 1308-1312, 1999.
  • Henning S et al. Glutathione blood levels and other oxidant defense indexes in men fed diets low in vitamin C. Journal of Nutrition. 121:169-175, 1991.
  • Johnston C et al. Vitamin C elevates red blood cell glutathione in healthy adults. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 58(1):103-105, 1993.
  • Kim J et al. Effect of select antioxidants on malondialdehyde modification of proteins. Nutrition. 16: 1079-1081, 2000.
  • Kirsch M et al. Ascorbate is a potent antioxidant against peroxynitrite-induced oxidation reactions. Evidence that ascorbate acts by re-reducing substrate radicals produced by peroxynitrite. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 275(22):16702-16708, 2000.
  • Kuo C et al. Ascorbic acid, an endogenous factor required for acetylcholine release from the synaptic vesicles. Japan Journal of Pharmacology. 30(4):481-492, 1980.
  • Lenton K et al. Vitamin C augments lymphocyte glutathione in subjects with ascorbate deficiency. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 77(1):189-195, 2003.
  • Meydani M. Protective role of dietary vitamin E on oxidative stress in ageing. Age. 15:89-93, 1992.
  • Monograph. Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry). Alternative Medicine Review 6:500-4, 2001.
  • Nishioka K et al. Pycnogenol, French maritime pine bark extract, augments endothelium-dependent vasodilation in humans. Hypertension Research. 30(9):775-80, 2007.
  • Nuttall S et al. An evaluation of the antioxidant activity of a standardized grape seed extract, Leucoselect. J Clin Pharm Ther 23: 385-89, 1998.
  • Packer L et al. Antioxidant activity and biologic properties of a procyanidin-rich extract from pine (Pinus maritima) bark, pycnogenol. Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine. 27:704-24, 1999. Review.
  • Shi, J., et al. Polyphenolics in grape seeds-biochemistry and functionality. J Med Food 6:291-9, 2003. Review.
  • Wallerath, T., et al. Resveratrol, a polyphenolic phytoalexin present in red wine, enhances expression and activity of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Circulation 106:1652-8, 2002.


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透過 匿名

Does this safe for diet control kids?

Hi, we like the product and would like to recommend to friend’s kid. Is there a way we could know how much phenylalanine contain per capful? This will be very critical for certain customers have special diet requirements. Thank you!


Dear Valued Customer,

We appreciate you reaching out with your question. We recognize the significance of having comprehensive ingredient details when choosing a product for specific dietary needs. None of the ingredients in the DNA Miracles OPC-3 are recognized as sources of phenylalanine. Nevertheless, we advise consulting with your child's pediatrician and reviewing the product label for their ultimate approval.

Thank you!
The Product Information Team


透過 PennyL

My product review

This product has helped so many children.


Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the DNA Miracles Isotonix OPC-3®! We are happy to hear you are pleased with the product!

Thank you again!
The Product Information Team


透過 BethB

A winner for our granddaughter

We suggested this product for our granddaughter and the results have been really impressive. Her skin is now so clear and radiant.


Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for taking the time to leave your thoughts on the nutraMetrix DNA Miracles Isotonix OPC-3! We are happy to hear you are pleased with the product.

Thank you again!
The Product Information Team


透過 ShirlV


I have just started using this product. I have noticed more energy and I am sleeping much better at night.


透過 匿名

Love this stuff!

My kids have taken this product and Immune all winter long. It has helped them stay healthy and couldn't be happier! I highly recommend this to everyone.