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Heart Health™ System

sku 13847


$ 2.24  Cashback

Primary Benefits* of Heart Health™ System

Heart Health™ Essential Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin E*

  • Each serving provides 3000mg of fish oil to supply 900 mg of EPA and 600 mg DHA. Taken twice daily, as directed, Heart Health Omega III provides 1800 mg of EPA and 1200 mg of DHA. †
  • Helps enhance mood
  • Helps maintain healthy levels of C-reactive protein
  • Helps maintain normal blood flow
  • Helps maintain normal cholesterol levels
  • Helps maintain normal triglyceride levels in the blood
  • Promotes a healthy complexion
  • Promotes healthy blood pressure levels
  • Promotes overall cardiovascular health

Heart Health™ TriActive™*

  • B vitamins promote the healthy formation of red blood cells
  • Helps maintain a strong heart muscle
  • Helps maintain normal homocysteine levels (which promotes cardiovascular and arterial health)
  • Helps maintain normal levels of cholesterol
  • Promotes a normal rate of cholesterol production
  • Promotes absorption of healthy levels of cholesterol
  • Provides antioxidant protection of LDL particles
  • May help maintain healthy blood pressure levels

Heart Health™ Advanced LipiTrim® Ultra*

  • Antioxidant
  • Helps promote delivery of healthy levels of LDL throughout the body
  • Promotes a healthy rate of cholesterol production
  • Helps maintain healthy levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels
  • Supports healthy synthesis of triglycerides in the liver
  • Helps maintain healthy blood glucose levels

Primary Benefits* of Heart Health™ System

Cardiovascular Care Simplified

What Makes Heart Health System Unique?

Whatever your inspiration, the benefits of a healthy heart are worth the effort. Not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, exercising regularly and taking the right supplements can all contribute to promoting cardiovascular health.* Clinical trials have shown that supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish oil) may help to maintain normal levels of triglycerides and cholesterol, support healthy blood pressure and promote normal platelet activity. Maintaining healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels, promoting optimal arterial function and supporting healthy homocysteine levels are all important to the overall health of the cardiovascular system.

The Heart Health™ System is comprised of Heart Health™ Essential Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin E, Heart Health™ TriActive™ and Heart Health™ Advanced LipiTrim® Ultra, all designed to promote overall cardiovascular health. Taken twice daily, Heart Health™ Essential Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin E provides the three grams of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) that studies reveal is an effective amount to promote overall cardiovascular health. Heart Health™ Advanced LipiTrim® Ultra is a powerful antioxidant that contains 500 mg of Capros (Indian gooseberry; Phyllanthus emblica), an ingredient that has been used in Aruyvedic health practices for centuries, as well as the benefits of 250 mg of Prickly Pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) to help maintain normal cholesterol levels. Prickly Pear is also a source of antioxidants*. The powerful formula also contains a 50% hesperidin from citrus aurantium. A high concentration of hesperidin, like that in the Heart Health Advanced LipiTrim formula, is a polymethoxylated flavone that supports cardiovascular well-being. Heart Health™ TriActive™ targets three major areas, the arteries, cholesterol and homocysteine levels to promote the healthy performance of the body’s cardiovascular system. This unique formula uses a combination of dietary ingredients that have been shown to safely and effectively support optimal arterial function and help maintain normal cholesterol and homocysteine levels. *

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

†According to the FDA, supportive, but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

±Capros is a registered trademark of Natreo, Inc. and is protected under U.S Patent No. 6,124,268.

What Makes Heart Health System Unique?

Product Classifications

Gluten-Free - the finished product contains no detectable gluten (<10ppm gluten)

Quality Standards - GMP Operations and Standardized Ingredients

Checked For: Heavy Metals, Microbiological Contaminants, Allergens, Residual Solvents, Potency, Purity and Identity

Key Ingredients

Essential Omega III (Fish Oil with Vitamin E)
Fish Body Oils (50% Purity) [EPA and DHA]
Fish oils or marine oils, are lipids (fats) found in fish, particularly cold water fish like herring, kipper, mackerel, menhaden, pilchard, salmon, sardine and trout, and phytoplankton (the sources of fish oil in Heart Health™ Omega III Fish Oil are sardines and anchovies. It is tested for mercury, lead, PCB and other contaminants). Fish oils are rich sources of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexanenoic acid) are the two most studied fish oils. DHA is a necessary component of the phospholipids in human cellular membranes, especially those found in the brain and retina. Clinical studies have shown omega-3 fatty acids to help maintain healthy triglyceride levels. A strong correlation has also been shown between fish oil consumption and the ability to maintain healthy levels of C-reactive protein. Fish oils are also important in the maintenance of normal blood flow, as they support normal fibrinogen levels (coagulation or blood clotting), which contributes to normal platelet activity.*

EPA and DHA have several mechanisms of action to help maintain normal triglyceride and cholesterol levels, help maintain normal blood flow and pressure, and support normal platelet activity. EPA and DHA help maintain normal triglyceride levels by promoting normal lipogenesis and supporting normal fatty acid oxidation in the liver. EPA and DHA promote the normal transcription of genes coding for lipogenesis enzymes and promote the normal transportation of the regulatory enzymes of fatty acid oxidation. Activating PPAR (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor)- alpha, helps to support normal fatty acid oxidation. The promotion of normal lipogenesis is done through down-regulation of SREBP (sterol regulatory element binding protein) -1c messenger RNA.* 

EPA is the precursor to series-3 prostaglandins (PG), the series-3 thrombaxanes (TX) and the series-5 leukotrienes (LT). More specifically, EPA is a precursor to eicosanoids (TXA3 and LTB5), which promote normal platelet activity and promote normal vasodilation. These effects demonstrate EPA’s potential ability to help maintain normal blood pressure and support normal blood clotting. Fish oils inhibit the arachidonic acid synthesis of thromboxane A2, which help to promote normal platelet activity and vasodilation. Fish oil may also contribute to the normal production of prostacyclin, a prostaglandin that promotes normal vasodilation and supports normal platelet activity.*

Omega-3 fatty acids compete metabolically with omega-6 fatty acids, found in higher amounts in typical western diets. Omega-6 fatty acids may inhibit the incorporation of omega-3 fatty acids into tissue lipids. Omega-3 fatty acids may inhibit the conversion of many omega-6 fatty acids into arachidonic acid. Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, a corresponding increase of these fatty acids appears to occur in cell membranes and circulatory lipids along with a simultaneous reduction in omega-6 fatty acids.*

Triactive™ Homocysteine Support Formula
Thiamin (thiamin HCL)
Thiamin plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism and nerve function. Thiamin is required for a healthy nervous system, and to promote the normal production of the neurotransmitters acetylcholine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). It is used to manufacture hydrochloric acid and, therefore, supports digestion, increases energy and helps promote mental clarity.*

Vitamin B2 serves as a co-enzyme, working with other B vitamins. It promotes healthy red blood cell formation, supports the nervous system, respiration, antibody production and normal human growth. It supports healthy skin, nails, hair growth and promotes normal thyroid activity. Vitamin B2 plays a crucial role in turning food into energy as a part of the electron transport chain, driving cellular energy at the molecular level. Riboflavin can be useful for pregnant or lactating women, as well as athletes due to their increased caloric needs. Vitamin B2 aids in the breakdown of fats while functioning as a cofactor or helper in activating B6 and folic acid. Vitamin B2 is water-soluble and cannot be stored by the body in significant amounts. It must be replenished daily. Under some conditions, vitamin B2 can act as an antioxidant. The riboflavin coenzymes are also important for the transformation of vitamin B6 and folic acid into their active forms and they promote the normal conversion of tryptophan into niacin.*

Niacin (niacinamide)
Niacin is a water-soluble vitamin necessary for many aspects of health, growth and reproduction. It is part of the vitamin B complex. Niacin promotes the normal functioning of the digestive system, skin and nerves. It is also important for the conversion of food to energy. Niacin (also known as vitamin B-3) is found in dairy products, poultry, fish, lean meats, nuts and eggs, as well as legumes and enriched breads and cereals.*

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCl)
B6 is a co-factor required for protein and amino acid metabolism and helps maintain proper fluid balance. It also assists in the maintenance of healthy red and white blood cells. B6 is required for hemoglobin synthesis. Vitamin B6 is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters in brain and peripheral nerve cells. It has been recommended as a nutrient to enhance mental function, specifically mood, and to support normal nerve conduction. Some athletic supplements include vitamin B6 because it promotes the conversion of glycogen to glucose for energy in muscle tissue. Vitamin B6, when taken with folic acid, has been shown to help maintain normal plasma levels of homocysteine, which promotes optimal cardiovascular health. Vitamin B6 should be administered as a part of a complex of other B-vitamins for best results.*

Folate (folic acid), DFE (folic acid)
Folic acid plays a key role by boosting the benefits of B12 supplementation. These two B vitamins work together in maintaining normal red blood cells. Folic acid assists in the normal utilization of amino acids and proteins, as well as constructs the material for DNA and RNA synthesis. Scientific studies have found that when working in tandem with folic acid, B12 can promote normal homocysteine levels. This works toward supporting a healthy cardiovascular and nervous system.*

Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin)
Vitamin B12, a bacterial product is naturally found in organ meats, liver, beef, pork, eggs, whole milk, cheese, whole wheat bread, and fish. B12 can only be found in animal products, with small amounts derived from the fermented soy products miso and tempeh and peanuts. It is essential that vegetarians consume a vitamin B12 supplement to maintain optimal health. Vitamin B12, when ingested, is stored in the liver and other tissues for later use. The synthetic form of B12, methylcobalamin, is not derived from either plants or animals and is intrinsic in the maintenance of normal functioning body cells, especially those of the nervous system (maintaining the health of the sheaths of nerve cells), bone marrow and intestinal tract. These tissues are first to exhibit signs of B12 depletion. Vitamin B12 itself is responsible for maintaining optimum energy levels as it plays a vital role in the Krebs energy cycle.* 

Biotin supports healthy cell growth, the production of fatty acids, metabolism of fats, and amino acids. It plays a role in the citric acid cycle, the process in which biochemical energy is generated during aerobic respiration. Biotin not only assists in various metabolic chemical conversions, but also supports the normal transfer of carbon dioxide. Biotin is helpful in maintaining a steady blood sugar level. Biotin is often recommended for strengthening hair and nails.*

Pantothenic Acid (d-calcium pantothenate)
Pantothenic acid is the transfer agent for choline to acetylcholine, which promotes proper neurotransmitter activity in the brain. Pantothenic acid is also known as the anti-stress vitamin because it helps relieve physical and emotional stress and promotes the normal secretion of hormones.*

Calcium (dicalcium phosphate)
Calcium is an essential mineral with a wide range of biological roles. Calcium exists in bone primarily in the form of hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2). Hydroxyapatite comprises approximately 40 percent of the weight of bone. The skeleton has an obvious structural requisite for calcium. The skeleton also acts as a storehouse for calcium. Apart from being a major constituent of bones and teeth, calcium promotes normal muscle contraction, nerve conduction, cardiovascular health, the production of energy and helps maintain a healthy immune system.*

Zinc (zinc oxide)
Zinc is involved in the regulation of gene expression. Zinc is an essential trace mineral that has functions in approximately 300 different enzyme reactions. Thus, zinc plays a part in almost all biochemical pathways and physiological processes. More than 90 percent of the body’s zinc is stored in the bones and muscles, but zinc is also found in virtually all body tissues. Because zinc is involved in such a great number of enzymatic processes it has been found to support a large range of functions including digestion, energy production, growth, cellular repair, collagen synthesis, bone strength, cognitive function and carbohydrate metabolism.*

Beta-sitosterol is a phytosterol produced by plants, with a chemical structure like cholesterol. Beta-sitosterol may help maintain normal cholesterol levels.*

Artichoke Leaf Extract (Cynara scolymus)
Artichoke is a perennial plant native mainly to the Mediterranean region of Southern Europe and Northern Africa. Artichokes are rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, which are known to support heart health. While artichoke is consumed as food for its fiber, protein and antioxidant properties, its leaves have been used for supporting heart health.*

Hawthorn Berry Extract (Crataegus pinnatifida)
The bioflavonoid content of hawthorn berry aids in supporting healthy blood vessels, supports a strong heart muscle and promotes the structural integrity of arteries. Several studies have also shown that hawthorn berry is beneficial in maintaining optimal heart health.*

Policosanol is a mixture of long-chain alcohols that is isolated from sugar cane wax, beeswax, rice, or wheat germ oil. It has been shown to help maintain normal cholesterol levels in animal models and healthy volunteers.*

Advanced LipiTrim® Ultra
±Capros Indian Gooseberry
Capros® is a patented and standardized extract of Indian gooseberry. As a powerful antioxidant, it helps support overall health as well as cardiovascular health. Indian gooseberry is the common name for Phyllanthus emblica. It is native to India and parts of the Middle East and its fruits have been used in Ayurvedic culture for thousands of years to support various aspects of health. Although small, the fruits are powerful antioxidants. * Capros® possesses adaptogenic properties which help provide resistance to stressors and promotes balance in the body. This is unique among superfruits and enhances Capros’ wellness profile beyond the standard benefits provided by generic antioxidants. Capros is a patented, self-affirmed GRAS extract of Indian gooseberry which sets it apart from others on the market.

Indian gooseberry has been shown by scientific research to support cardiovascular health. Human clinical studies conducted in both India and the United States suggest a positive relationship between consuming the fruit and cardiovascular health for reasons such as the fruit’s ability to help maintain normal cholesterol and triglyceride levels. *

Prickly Pear (Opuntia ficus-indica)
Prickly pear cactus, commonly referred to as nopal, is native to Mexico and widely distributed in regions of Africa, Australia and the Mediterranean basin. Its antioxidant content makes it a popular part of a healthy diet, especially in its native regions. Studies show that prickly pear cactus helps maintain normal cholesterol and blood glucose levels.

Citrus aurantium L. (50% hesperidin)
Citrus aurantium L., commonly known as bitter orange, is a small, flowering, fruit-bearing tree native to southeast Asia. While commonly considered too sour to consume raw, its fruit, peel, and essential oils from its peel are used for a variety of things such as cooking, flavoring, aromatizing and for dietary supplements. Hesperidin is a bioflavonoid found in citrus fruits, and early studies suggest that its antioxidant properties may help maintain normal blood glucose levels.


  1. What exactly is cardiovascular health?
    The term cardiovascular health (also referred to as heart health) is used to describe a cardiovascular system that is strong and in good physical condition. By leading a more healthful lifestyle and through proper supplementation, you can significantly increase your chances of maintaining good cardiovascular health.

  2. What is homocysteine?
    Homocysteine is an amino acid that is a marker related to cardiovascular health.

  3. Is the fish oil tested for heavy metals?
    Yes. The fish oil used in Essential Omega III is tested twice, once from the manufacturer and then by an independent testing company. The fish oil used in Essential Omega III is laboratory tested for mercury, lead, PCB, and other heavy metals. We only use fish oil that meets or exceeds standards set by Canada (CFIA), the European Union (EU) and the United States (CRN).*

  4. Is this product vegetarian?
    No. This product contains gelatin and fish oils.

  5. What is meant by 50 percent purity?
    The 50 percent purity refers to the fish body oils, EPA and DHA. The other 50 percent are assorted fatty acids contained within the fish body oils.

  6. Why is LDL cholesterol considered bad?
    When too much LDL cholesterol circulates in the blood, it can slowly contribute to the buildup of plaque in the inner walls of the arteries.

  7. Why is HDL cholesterol considered good?
    Up to one-fourth of blood cholesterol is carried by high-density lipoprotein (HDL). HDL cholesterol is known as the good cholesterol because a high level of it seems to protect the cardiovascular system. Medical experts think that HDL tends to carry cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver, where it's passed from the body. Some experts believe that HDL removes excess cholesterol from plaque in arteries, thus slowing the buildup.

  8. What are triglycerides and how are they related to HDL and LDL?
    A triglyceride is a form of fat. It comes from food and is also made in your body. People with high triglyceride levels often have high overall cholesterol, which is high LDL and low HDL cholesterol levels.

  9. What does lifestyle have to do with maintaining a healthy heart?
    There are simple, everyday things you can do to help maintain proper heart health. Among those are:
  • Not smoking
  • Maintaining a healthy height-to-weight ratio
  • Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetable and whole grains
  • Limiting the consumption of total and saturated fat
  • Exercising regularly
  • Working with your physician to monitor cholesterol, blood pressure, homocysteine and C-reactive protein levels
  • Starting a complete nutritional supplementation program designed to help maintain proper cardiovascular health


Advanced LipiTrim® Ultra

  • Dietschy, J. M., Spady, D. K., & Stange, E. F. (1983). Quantitative important of different organs for cholesterol synthesis and low-density-lipoprotein degradation. Biochemical Society Transactions11(6), 639-641. 
  • Fatima N, et al. 2014. Evaluation of Phyllanthus emblica extract on cold pressor induced cardiovascular changes in healthy human subjects. Pharmacog Res 6(1):29-35.
  • Kurowska E et al. Modulation of HepG2 cell net apolipoprotein B secretion by the citrus polymethoxyflavone, tangeretin. Lipids 39(2):143-151, 2004.
  • Lopez-Romero P., Pichardo-Ontiveros E., Avila-Nava A., Vazquez-Manjarrez N., Tovar A.R., Pedraza-Chaverri J., Torres N. The Effect of Nopal (Opuntia Ficus Indica) on Postprandial Blood Glucose, Incretins, and Antioxidant Activity in Mexican Patients with Type 2 Diabetes after Consumption of Two Different Composition Breakfasts (2014). Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 114(11), pp.1811-1818.
  • Milenkovic, D., Deval, C., Dubray, C., Mazur, A., & Morand, C. (2011). Hesperidin displays relevant role in the nutrigenomic effect of orange juice on blood leukocytes in human volunteers: a randomized controlled cross-over study. PloS one, 6(11), e26669.

Essential Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin E

  • Nestel PJ. Fish oil attenuates the cholesterol induced rise in lipoprotein cholesterol. Am J Clin Nutr 43(5):752-757 (1986)
  • Tsai PJ, Lu SC. Fish oil lowers plasma lipid concentrations and increases the susceptibility of low density lipoprotein to oxidative modification in healthy men. J Formos Med Assoc 96(9):718-726 (1997)
  • Garrido A, et al, Ingestion of high doses of fish oil increases the susceptibility of cellular membranes to the induction of oxidative stress. Lipids 24(9):833-835 (1989)


  • Bronstrup A et al. Effects of folic acid and combinations of folic acid and vitamin B12 on plasma homocysteine concentrations in healthy young women. American of Journal Clinical Nutrition 68:1104-10, 1998.
  • Brouwer I et al. Low-dose folic acid supplementation decreases plasma homocysteine concentrations: a randomized trial. American of Journal Clinical Nutrition 69:99-104, 1999.
  • Brown JE, Rice-Evans CA. Luteolin-rich artichoke extract protects low density lipoprotein from oxidation in vitro. Free Radic Res. 1998 Sep;29(3):247-55.
  • Gebhardt R. Inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis in HepG2 cells by artichoke extracts is reinforced by glucosidase pretreatment. Phytother Res. 2002 Jun;16(4):368-72.
  • Jiménez-Escrig A, Dragsted LO, Daneshvar B, Pulido R, Saura-Calixto F. In vitro antioxidant activities of edible artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) and effect on biomarkers of antioxidants in rats. J Agric Food Chem. 2003 Aug 27;51(18):5540-5.
  • McCaddon A et al. Effect of supplementation with folic-acid on relation between plasma homocysteine, folate, and vitamin B12. Lancet 360:173, 2002.
  • Moghadasian M. Effects of dietary phytosterols on cholesterol metabolism and atherosclerosis: clinical and experimental evidence. American Journal of Medicine 107: 588-94, 1999. Review.
  • Normen L et al. Soy sterol esters and beta-sitostanol ester as inhibitors of cholesterol absorption in human small bowel. American Journal Clinical Nutrition 71: 908-13, 2000.
  • Schwinger R et al. Crataegus special extract WS 1442 increases force of contraction in human myocardium cAMP- independently. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 35(5):700-707, 2000.
  • Tilvis R et al. Serum plant sterols and their relation to cholesterol absorption. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 43:92-97, 1986.
  • van Oort F et al. Folic acid and reduction of plasma homocysteine concentrations in older adults: a dose-response study. American of Journal Clinical Nutrition 77:1318-23, 2003.
  • Wald D et al. Randomized trial of folic acid supplementation and serum homocysteine levels. Archives of Internal Medicine 61:695-700, 2001.
  • Wang X et al. The hypolipidemic natural product Commiphora mukul and its component guggulsterone inhibit oxidative modification of LDL. Atherosclerosis 172(2):239-246, 2004.


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by Anonymous

Convenient packets for travel or home

All pills in an easy to take packet - convenient for home or travel.

Response from Customer Service

Thank you for your review! We're pleased to hear that you find the Heart Health™ System convenient, whether at home or on the go. It's great to know that the easy-to-take packets are working well for you. We appreciate your feedback and support. Thank you for choosing our Heart Health™ System!


by KathyB

Convenient Health Choice

My husband and his friends use this product. They are big on label reading and this meets their standards. In addition it comes in convenient, daily packages which are great for traveling also.
These athletic men are taking care of their heart and a few of them commented on better joint performance.

Response from Customer Service

Thank you for sharing your positive experience with Heart Health™ System! We're delighted to hear that your husband and his friends find it meets their high standards and appreciate the convenience of the daily packages, especially for travel. It's wonderful to know that these athletic men are taking proactive steps to care for their hearts and have even noticed changes in their joint performance. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us. Thank you for being a valued customer and for sharing your positive experience with us!



My husband loves this heart health system!

My husband just reminded me to get this heart health system as he is running low in stock. He said it is helping him greatly for his heart health. - Annie

Response from Customer Service

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with our heart health system! We're thrilled to hear that your husband is finding it so beneficial for his heart health. It's always wonderful to know that our product is making a positive impact on our customers' lives. If you ever have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing your husband continued good health!


by JeanV

Easy to take

I love that these pills are packaged together. It makes it much h easier to r ed member to take them all and great for travelling.

Response from Customer Service

Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the Heart Health™ System! We are so happy to hear you are pleased with the product!

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The Product Information Team




We added this supplement to our isotonix regimen. We feel revitalized in just 1 week!

Response from Customer Service

Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the
Heart Health™ System! We are happy to hear you are pleased with the product!

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